Test Services

Automation Frame works

Our deep domain experience and expertise helps us provide you tailored solutions that can address your automation goals and objectives.

What we offer – Automation Frame works

  • Design / Architect frame works that is efficient, scalable and robost
  • Build / Add / Develop features to existing frame work
  • Enhance / Maintain existing frame works
  • Address all aspects of test cycle
  • Integration services with other tools and components
  • Enhance reporting, Metrics collection etc
  • Easier reading of logs and quickly isolate issues
  • Lab resource sharing /management solution

Building a test automation framework needs experience, design skills and a lot of foresight. While testers bring in a lot of value and insight into developing the framework, it is the designers and developers who eventually build it. Hence any framework developer will need to have good in-depth exposure to testing and should have been a developer. This rare skill is what Techelium brings into Test Automation Framework development. We bring in the best software engineering practices and come with innovative ways to address specific automation requirements.

What we solve

We can take over entire chunks or whole of your automation projects

  • Our team can become an extended part of your dev team
  • Bring expertise in design , Architecture and solutioning
  • Come with road maps
  • Optimse and reduce overall cost

Address third party tool integration issues

The automation eco system normally includes components that are from third party that need to be integrated to the extent possible in the automation set up. These third party components could include traffic generators, emulators, and third party devices, software components all of which are essential in making the automation more effective and efficient.

Our deep test automation expertise helps to come with innovative solutions that will provide integration services based on specific requirements.

Whether its NMS testing, Protocol testing, Firmware tests or device testing, UI testing, etc each of the specific testing has its set of automation requirements and demands. In order to achieve cost and speed efficiencies, it becomes essential to combine many of the functionality and integrate then at different levels of the automation framework.

We can provide customized solutions that not only scale but are robust and help achieve the automation objectives


Each organization has specific needs and demands when it comes to automation, Given the speed is the key in testing, test cycles, and delivery cycles are getting shorter. Bringing test efficiencies is of paramount importance in order to achieve the overall company objectives.

This puts a lot of pressure on resources and prioritization of resources becomes a key factor and many a time, this takes away the ability to look for solutions beyond the firefighting situations.

Technetium can provide an excellent consulting service to look at deep into issues, getting to the bottom of them and come up with a comprehensive approach to address. Our engineering approach will factor in the short term, medium-term and long term solutions.

We can provide consultancy ion areas including

  • Frame work Architecture
  • Move toward one touch automation
  • where efficiencies and effectiveness can be added / enhanced
  • Road maps for short term , medium term and long term
  • Identify the bottle necks in the existing set up
  • Advise of open source tools and frame works
  • Provide a 360 degree view of pain and gain areas
  • Project estimations – cost and time line
  • ROI guideline

Test Automation Accelerators

We have in house developed. integrated offering that can jump start automation. We work with Open sources frame worse and have built customization to suite some of the specific needs. Along with the open source offerings we have our own wrappers, libraries and features that can help accelerate your automation objectives.

  • Customized open frame work with added functionality
  • Ready test cased for many l2/l3 Protocols
  • Integration with third part tools like wireshark and scapy
  • Added Debugging functionality for quick isolation of issues
  • Test Log management
  • Step by step log with UI for easy analysis and debugging

Our Value Proposition

  • We can take over the automation solutions entirely and free up your bandwidth
  • Optimise resources utilisation
  • Allow you to focus on quality of the testing / coverage
  • Reduced stress levels on resources – and hence better focus and quality testing
  • Easily adjust to faster sprint cycles
  • Build better products
  • Faster delivery cycles
  • Focus on bug free products

Saves cost

Our SD-WAN evalutation consultancy will give well planned exercise with well defined milestones and time lines. The over all evaluation will be exeucted in a planned manner and will be acomplished in an agreed time line. Given our expertise, we wil be able to get the evaluation exericise done a shorter time and at a lower price point

Faster RoI

Our SD-WAN eval consultancy will help in getting to faster RoI. The consuting servie will ensure that we complete the evalution faster and hence the roll out will be much faster . That will result in gettinh faster to RoI.

De-risik Decision making

The whole evauation process will be strictured to ensure that the decision making and vendor selection process will be transpartent and free of personal biases. The test driven focus will enusre that only the bet fit technical soluton will get into the short list and selection.

Informaed Decision making

The under the hood view of each vendor solution will ensure the team has a good in-depth understanding to make a informated decision. Each of the key features that are relevant to your network will be examined in detail to appreiacte what they mean and how they perform in your network.

We help select the best fit

The over all objectve of the consutling engament will be give you an unbiased selection process tha will ensure the technicall best fit solution is identified. As a Ss-wan specialist company, we will all of our expertise into making the whole exercise excting and meanfiful in the context of meeting your key goals and objectives.